Les 5 derniers scores : FRA PRIN-DERRE, Jérémy : 67,68 (EN) - FRA PRIN-DERRE, Jérémy : 7"569 (AZ) - FRA PRIN-DERRE, Jérémy : 94,58 (FR) - IND CHANDRA, Ameya : 446,89 (PI) - JPN TOME, Haruto : 1"547 (AZ)


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End of 2021 championship
Par jeandid, Le 02-01-2022

Congratulations to Andrea AKHLAGHI FARSI who won the 2021 championship!

This is his third consecutive victory, he starts to become a legend.

He even overtakes our former legend, Sean Wrona whose book I recommend to you: Nerds per Minute: A History of Competitive Typing

Typing Zone wishes you an happy new year!

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