Les 5 derniers scores : FRA GONNET, Baptiste : 209,55 (PI) - FRA GONNET, Baptiste : 117,77 (EN) - IND CHANDRA, Ameya : 5"342 (ZA) - IND CHANDRA, Ameya : 2"908 (AZ) - IND CHANDRA, Ameya : 77,20 (FR)


6981 Membres
Général >
Master of May 2013: exceptionally extra time!
Par jeandid, Le 21-05-2013

Hello everyone,

Because of recently encountered connection problems, only about 10 of you have been able to participate in.

Therefore, exceptionally, I've decided to offer 2 days of extra time for this Master.
You can participate until Thursday, 8:00 pm (Western Europe).

Good luck!

Vous pouvez commenter cette news en vous connectant dans l'espace membre !

6 Commentaires
99768747sm :
à 04:23
HOW are you doing.
zizouclic :
à 23:58
choney :
à 09:54
i don't know really
kaleemullah :
à 12:21
ProCipa :
à 13:11
This page was hacked, right?
er8852852 :
à 17:36
luck to get 133
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